Picture of Del Bates

Del Bates

The Weapon of Worship

The Weapon of Worship

            Worship is not just a practice; it’s a powerful weapon. When we engage in worship, we are not just singing or praying. We are actively closing ourselves off to the distractions of this world and focusing solely on God. We let go of the burdens around us and draw near to Him. As James 4:8 reminds us, “Come near to God, and he will come near to you.” This is not just a promise, it’s a demonstration of the power of worship.

“Come near to God, and he will come near to you.

The enemy despises our worship. He knows that there is no room for him when we enter into that intimate space with the Lord. His presence is incompatible with the purity and power of our worship. This knowledge should fill us with a sense of victory, knowing that our worship is a force that repels the enemy.

I remember when I learned that Satan was the head of worship. He had an angelic voice like no other. It is said that he was the most beautiful of all angels. Even his name, Lucifer, which means “day star” or “son of the dawn,” describes how God felt about him. But Isiah explains what happened to him when he strived to be like God. Not only was he cast out of heaven, but God also changed his name to Satan, which means “advisory.”

And is not that what Satan was, but an advisory to God?  “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!” Isaiah14:12-13. 

So how could he want to be near us when we enter a place of worship and adoration to God? When we begin to exalt God, whose name is above all names, And as we glorify the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the mighty one over all the earth.

He can’t. He has no desire to be in that realm we enter in. I believe that he shutters as we enter a state of worship. He shrieks to hear praises ascend to the heavens.

So when you’re feeling low, in the midst of a battle, when you’ve reached the end of your strength, remember this: worship is your weapon. It’s not just a comforting practice but a powerful tool that can drive the devil away. Raise your hands, lift your voice, and use your weapon of praise and worship to keep the enemy right where he belongs, under your feet. This is not just a suggestion; it’s a strategy for spiritual warfare.

To hear what the bible says about worship, tune in to our podcast,

“What is Worship” on Seeds of Hope with Del and Penny and listen   HERE

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