vin fish
Picture of Del Bates

Del Bates

Shh Don’t Wake Him


My granddaughter Giuliana said to her brother, “Grandpa Jon is
sleeping. Don’t wake him; just let him sleep.”
Those tender words meant nothing to my grandson Vincenzo. Without hesitation, he
quietly went over to his Grandpa Jon, cuddled himself over his shoulder, and whispered, “Wake
up.”  Although I cringed just a bit, I knew that Vincenzo knew his grandpa. He knew the bond
of love between them would only be a surprise of joy when he opened his eyes.

As I watched two of them, even though there were a few yawns, I couldn’t help but think about our love for our Heavenly.
Father, as I observed Jon’s response.
Do I, do we have that confident love with our Heavenly Father that we can call on Him any time of the day, no matter what knowing His unconditional love for us? And do we have that unconditional love for Him the same way? 

Scripture tells us, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,” John
3:16. But do we truly understand the fullness of that scripture? Do we know, Him, like Vincenzo,
knew his grandpa so well that he could wake him with no fear of rejection?
Oh, looking back at that evening, what a tender love. Is your love for your heavenly
Father one of tenderness? Can you feel His love no matter what you’re going through?

As we read about the life and story of Jesus, I love in the book of John where Jesus is
explaining to His disciples how He and His Father are one. “Jesus answered, “I am the way and
the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you really know Me, you
will know My Father as well.” John 14: 6-7

We see the love of Jesus and how He suffered and died and laid down His life for us. But
to know the love of God through Jesus, oh, what a mystery, as He and His Father are one. What a
combined love, especially to meditate on that as this time of year rolls around.

As we pass by the aisles in the department stores and see all the trinkets, gadgets, and greeting cards wishing dads
and fathers a Happy Father’s Day, let’s take a few moments and think about it. How well we know the love of an earthly father and all the wonderful things they do. How they provide, love, and do all that an earthly father does for his children; to put food on the table, put a roof over our heads, and open their arms of love no matter what. But then, to take it a
step further and compare that love to the love of our Heavenly Father.

He loves us even more. And yet, His love is unconditional. Nothing we can do can
separate us from such a great and pure love. And yes, even as with my little grandson, to wake
up Grandpa Jon from his pleasant slumber, only a hug of joy was his response.

As Father’s Day rolls around this year, I pray that you take the time to get to know your
Heavenly Father more. Dig in a little bit deeper. Don’t worry about Him sleeping or being too
busy for you. But know beyond a shadow of a doubt. He will be so glad you called on Him
and will greet you with welcome and loving arms.


Hey, if you want to hear my co-host, Penny Cooke, and I share about Father’s Day on our podcast, Seeds of Hope, click here to enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by.

NEWS UPDATE! our Podcast can be heard on Spotify and wherever podcasts are heard!  Come and be inspired by Del and Penny on “Seeds of Hope” as we share a powerful message of encouragement for today, tomorrow and always!

See you soon, and have a great Father’s Day!



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