Picture of Del Bates

Del Bates

It’s Finally Here!

After two years of writing, critiquing and dotting the “I’s” and crossing the “T’s” … it’s here!

My latest book, WALKING IN A MINEFIELD, is hitting the press.

My publisher has given the release date for the end of October, so it’s time to celebrate. How would you like to join me in the revealing of my book?

Check out my Instagram and Facebook posts in the upcoming weeks where I will share snippets of each chapter; each week we’ll talk about one of the chapters in the book.

And — I’d love for you to consider joining my Book Launch Team. What is a Book Launch? … Glad you asked!

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com

First, you will receive a PDF of my book, WALKING IN A MINEFIELD before it even hits the shelves !! (Yay, sneak preview!!) Also, you WILL be invited to join my private Facebook group!

THEN you will be asked to read the book and then post a comment on Amazon the day of its release.

Let me know if you’d like to join my special team. On the day the book is released, you’ll be invited to join a Private Facebook Launch party and there you’ll be eligible to join in for all the games and prizes.

Sound exciting??? If so, leave your name and email in the comments below and I’ll be sure to keep you posted step by step.

Thanks for sharing in the excitement. It -Is- Time to discover how to walk in the Minefields of Life!

God Bless and hope to hear from you soon!


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