This post is a review for the book Serious Writers Never Quit by Bryan Hutchinson. It’s the perfect book for beginners, especially if you’re trying to work your way through that first draft.
Writing is a tough and sometimes a lonely craft. Bryan encourages every writer to take the plunge and go for it.
If it’s your calling, and you know it, don’t throw in the towel when you’re so close. Write what you know. Write it with a passion.
So many times, it’s easier to just tuck something away after that first draft, but Bryan encourages like playing pool, aim for the best!
I love where he says that a writer’s biggest enemy is failure; so true, but everything he shares is about passing past that failure, and going on to the finish line, and to pursue your calling as a writer!
I can’t say enough, except hop over to Amazon and get your copy today!
Happy Writings!
Blessings, Del