Picture of Del Bates

Del Bates


     Happy 4th of July – OR is it?
     Is this a time to celebrate this year, or is it a time to pray? A time to fall on our knees and call for God’s mercy to extend His hand over our nation?

     If you follow the news, you can’t help but fear for our freedom with the hundreds of thousands who have invaded our country.
     How long will we be able to proclaim the land of the free and home of the brave? 1.2 million soldiers have died for this country, dating back as far as the Revolutionary War. Oh, how precious is our freedom?
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land,”
     There is so much in that verse. Notice that the word MY is used two times. God is saying that if His people who know His ways and His statutes will humble themselves, then He will hear.
     With that, the first step to crying out to God is to know Him. To know His characteristics. God is an all-knowing, all-loving, and all-forgiving God. But He is also a God of justice, mercy, and holiness.
     That is the God we are to cry out to. We believe that this country was founded and birthed on God and on the Bible. But the key to this verse is for us to come to him with a contrite heart. To come humbly before Him.
     Just as David did in Psalm 51, he cries out to God, “My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise” (Psalm 51: 17). So, like David, we must come to God with a contrite heart of repentance.
     Then it says to seek Him. Seek is to dig deep. To seek a quiet time and a time to pray just you and Him and spend quality time with Him. Seek His heart and how and what His heart is for this nation.
     The end of this scripture is the hope we have in Him. If we do the things He requires of us, then we can stand in faith that He WILL hear our prayers, He WILL hear from heaven, and He WILL heal our land.
But the ball is in our corner. We must do our part and then wait to see what he will do.
     So today, on the 4th of July, the birth of this great nation, will you join me in prayer? Join me in praying for this nation.
     I will begin a prayer call on the 4th of July at 4 PM. 
     It will begin on the 4th of July, and then we will pray every other Thursday at 7 PM in July and August. In September and until the election, we will pray every Thursday at 7 PM.
     If you feel the burden as I do, Private Message me on Facebook or reply to this email for the number, and join the many who cry out for this nation like never before; our freedom stands in the balance!
God Bless and have a safe and happy 4th! See you on the call!

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